Colombia's Global Partnership and Hemp

Colombia’s equatorial location and diverse climate zones, provide optimal conditions for growing hemp! 

  • Average temp:  22 ℃ or 72 ℉

  • Humidity levels: 50-80%

  • Daylight: 12 hrs

In addition, Colombia’s soil is incredibly fertile and receives a generous amount of rainfall. Mountain/ Coastal winds help control humidity and reduce mold outbreaks. Thus with proper maintenance and planning, a greenhouse or outdoor hemp farmer could possibly grow 3 cycles per year.

Colombia has allowed the cultivation of hemp since 2016, when the government passed Law 1787. Farmers were then able to obtain a license to grow hemp with a threshold of 1 % THC.

In 2017, the government expanded the new regulations and adopted Decree 613, enabling the hemp industry to become integrated with-

  • Food

  • Textiles

  • Personal Care

  • Supplements 

  • Industrial 

As of 2020, Colombia generated $5 million in cannabis exports and is anticipated to grow annually by 20% during 2022-2027. The potential for Colombia’s hemp/cannabis market has attracted $400 million worth of foreign investment. Colombia is well connected with bi-lateral and multilateral global trade agreements, therefore investors believe the hemp/cannabis market could reach $2.7 billion by 2030. 

Colombia’s hemp industry is optimistic and growing! Agriculture is rooted into Colombia’s culture, with generations of knowledge and expertise. Hemp and cannabis now have the opportunity to provide 17,000 new jobs and promote the overall economy.