Grow Hemp in Mississippi


1) How can I become a hemp farmer in Mississippi?

Senate Bill 2725, also known as the Mississippi Hemp Cultivation Act, was signed into law on June 29, 2020.

As a result, currently the only legal option for a producer to cultivate hemp in Mississippi now is to obtain a hemp license from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) under the USDA Domestic Hemp Production Program. The application may be viewed here: USDA Hemp Application (PDF).

2) Is CBD oil legal in Mississippi?

Yes, CBD oil is legal only for medical purposes in Mississippi. 

3) Is CBD flower legal in Mississippi?

Fortunately, it is! The state legalized the cultivation of hemp after a yearlong discussion about its similarity with marijuana. According to the FDA, it is legal to sell hemp flower in Mississippi, as well as other hemp-derived products, manufactured either in or out of state. All products must be below the 0.3% THC limit.

Click Here to learn more about growing hemp in Mississippi