Grow Hemp in Hawaii


1) Quarterly license issuance periods for growing hemp:

Applications are accepted at any time, but licenses will only be issued 4 times a year, in the following months:

  • March

  • June

  • September

  • December

2) Licensing Process in order to grow hemp in Hawaii?

Applicant, if agreeable to the Licensing Agreement, must remit both the signed Licensing Agreement, and licensing fee of $250.00 +appropriate amounts for acreage and square ft. to HDOA.

  • After receiving a signed Licensing Agreement and license fee, HDOA can issue applicant a license.

  • Licenses are good for two years from the date of the license, as long as a license fee of $250.00 + acreage/square footage cost is paid at the start of the second year of the license to maintain the license (in addition to program compliance).

3) Why is the Hawaiian Climate Perfect For Hemp?

The humid climate of Hawaii lends way to lush greenery, including hemp. Production in Hawaii is just getting started, but the tropical climate is ideal for growing heat-loving hemp plants.

This moderate Hawaiian climate also means it’s always growing season. It’s not unusual to harvest hemp four times a year, compared to just once in most other hemp growing regions.

4) Why is Hawaii’s Soil unique and ideal for hemp?

Another of the most unique features of Hawaii’s agriculture is the volcanic ash content of the soil.

Volcanic ash brings a tremendous benefit to the soil. It’s full of nutrients, and as it breaks down over time, it slowly releases those nutrients into the soil. The ash also expands its surface area, which allows plants to have more access to water and nutrients.

This ash content allows hemp growth in Hawaii to thrive in nutrient-rich soil.

Click Here to learn more about growing hemp in Hawaii